Shawn McCoy, PA22

"Again and again, I heard the same thing—Tufts is the best place to earn a PA degree."
Headshot image of Shawn McCoy

Learn more about what to expect from the Tufts University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program, hear some insights from a current PA student, Shawn McCoy, PA22. 

Why did you choose the Tufts PA program? 

“Early on, a former coworker put me in touch with a Tufts PA graduate, who said that graduating from Tufts opened the door to many employment opportunities. Before picking a PA program, I did a whole bunch of research online, and asked my preceptors and health providers lots of questions while I was shadowing at various practice sites. Again and again, I heard the same thing—Tufts is the best place to earn a PA degree. Plus, I have a close friend in the class above mine, who raved about the program all the time. The program’s location in a global medical hub (Boston, MA)—along with its incredibly high PANCE pass rate and near-100% job placement rate—sealed the deal.” 

What was the biggest surprise about your Tufts experience? 

“I was consistently impressed by my classmates. The Tufts PA program is full of high achievers who push each other to do our best, and we all bring eclectic, diverse life experiences to our discussions in and out of the classroom. My classmates came from a wide variety of pre-PA experiences. Some had worked as EMTs or paramedics, and had great insights to share about pre-hospital and emergency medicine. Others worked in cardiology, and helped the rest of us learn how to interpret EKGs. ” 

What have you loved most about your time at Tufts? 

“For me, the best part of the experience has been my classmates, and the camaraderie we share. The culture at the Tufts PA program is collaborative, rather than competitive—we want all of our peers to succeed, and we work hard to make sure everyone knows everything they have to. In my graduating class, for instance, there was one student who would create and share a Quizlet for every one of our lectures. Other students organized forums where we talked about tough issues, like pandemic response and the ongoing need for racial and social justice. At the Tufts PA program, we’re all in it together. We hold each other up. Personally, I think this is great preparation for a career in medicine, which depends on people working together. I also loved the facilities! Tufts has a great library, and my time in the cadaver lab and Simulation Center prepared me well for my clinical rotations. I’ve found that my preceptors are consistently impressed with Tufts students, and I love living up to that reputation.” 

What should prospective students know about the PA program at Tufts? 

“The Tufts PA program sets a very high standard for its students. In your first year, for instance, you’ll be taking nine classes at a time, and learning lots of complicated material. Remember to take care of yourself! Find a routine, stay active, and sharpen up your time management skills. While a program this challenging can sometimes be frustrating or overwhelming, it’s well worth it in the end. Tufts pushes you in the best way possible, so that you’ll be well prepared for your clinical rotations and your eventual career as a full-time provider.”