Apply to the Maine Track MD Program

2024 – 2025 Virtual Informational Webinars

The MD Admissions Office is hosting two virtual informational webinars during the 2024 - 2025 season, geared towards prospective applicants and pre-health advisors. Whether you are applying this cycle, next or just considering medical school, join us to learn more about our MD program, admissions process, and what we look for in an applicant. Registration details will be available closer to the dates.

Save the Dates! September 27th 2024 and May 7th 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EST

Maine Track applicants must submit a Maine Track program application when applying to the School of Medicine. The online Maine Track program application is accessible on the Tufts secondary application web site. Admission to the Maine Track will be jointly selected by committees representing both Tufts University School of Medicine and Maine Medical Center.

Individuals who apply to the Maine Track will be reviewed for the two separate tracks: the Maine Track and the traditional MD Track. Applicants for the Maine Track will be interviewed by faculty at Maine Medical Center in Portland, ME. Applicants for the traditional MD Track will be interviewed at Tufts School of Medicine in Boston. Applicants can be selected to interview at both sites and be considered for admission to both Tracks.

The number of positions available in the Maine Track is limited. Failure to be accepted into the program will not adversely affect the chance of being admitted to the traditional MD track. Applicants who withdraw their application from consideration for the Maine Track will continue to be considered for a position in the traditional MD program. Due to scheduling conflicts, students in the Maine Track are not eligible to apply to the MD/PhD combined degree program.

We offer a Maine Track Early Assurance Program for eligible students at participating institutions in Maine.

The Maine Track is distinguished by participation in the Tufts curriculum with an additional emphasis on healthcare in the state of Maine. Students complete most of the first year of classes in Boston alongside the Boston students and move to Maine at the beginning of their second year, remaining in Maine for most of the rest of the medical school experience. Students complete the same courses as the Boston students during the remainder of the preclerkship years, but with Maine-based faculty and course directors. The Core Clerkship year is marked by the opportunity to participate in either the traditional block clerkships at Maine Medical Center or the innovative Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC). The LIC is completed at multiple sites across the state, including small hospitals in rural settings. The Advanced Clerkship year provides opportunities to complete required and elective rotations in Maine and in Boston with the requirement to complete some rotations in Maine. Throughout the entirety of the Maine Track experience, an emphasis is placed on addressing the healthcare needs of the state of Maine of all types and in all settings, including highly specialized procedural care and primary care in rural settings.

All Tufts students are assigned a physician coach who works with the student throughout their time at Tufts. Maine Track students are assigned to a Maine faculty physician who is responsible for assisting with the student’s professional development.

While in Maine, the Maine Track students will have comparable services for:

  • student affairs
  • educational affairs
  • financial aid and counseling
  • access to personal counseling
  • academic support and advising
  • faculty mentoring and advising
  • wellness
  • access to healthcare
  • career exploration opportunities
  • support for determining 3rd and 4th year schedules and electives
  • residency application support and advising
  • technology support
  • library support
  • simulation center
  • research opportunities
  • community service learning opportunities
  • student activities/clubs
  • opportunities to serve on school committees (Maine students sit on the curriculum committee, serve as course and clerkship representatives