Faculty Committees

Faculty committee work is an integral part of the academic and administrative functions of the School of Medicine. Serving on committees allows faculty to participate in shared governance, which is a fundamental principle in higher education. It ensures that decisions regarding academic policies, curriculum, and institutional priorities are made collectively.

Benefits of Serving on Committees


Committees often serve as a forum for faculty to represent the interests and concerns of their department or academic discipline. This representation can help ensure that decisions are made with the best interests of faculty and students in mind.

Professional Development

Committee work provides valuable opportunities for faculty to develop leadership and administrative skills. It can also enhance their understanding of how their institution operates, which can be beneficial for career advancement.


Serving on committees allows faculty to interact with colleagues from different departments and areas of expertise. This can lead to valuable collaborations, interdisciplinary projects, and a broader professional network.

While serving on committees can be time-consuming and may involve additional responsibilities, the benefits of active faculty participation in committee work often outweigh the challenges. It is an essential aspect of academic life that contributes to the effective functioning of educational institutions and the advancement of the academic mission.

Standing Committees

Standing committees hold important responsibilities. They recommend policies related to their areas of focus to the Executive Council, receive instructions from the Executive Council, Faculty Senate, and faculty members, establish procedures for committee operations in line with the Faculty Bylaws, and ensure the implementation of these policies and instructions. Full descriptions of TUSM’s standing committees are available in the Faculty Bylaws. Faculty members interested in serving on a committee should contact TUSMStandingCommittees@tufts.edu for more information.

Committee on Oversight

The Committee on Oversight (CoO) has several key responsibilities: Firstly, it oversees all nominations and elections for standing committees, ensuring that all committee positions, with the exception of the Admissions Committee, Committee on Oversight itself, and the Student Ethics and Promotions Committee, are filled with eligible members. Secondly, CoO actively recruits and verifies the eligibility of nominees for elections to standing committees (except for a few specific committees), and it also prepares the ballots. Additionally, CoO ensures that committees have full and engaged membership, conducts special elections for vacancies when necessary, and ensures that all standing committees annually review the Bylaws and conduct their business accordingly.

Academic Research Awards Committee

The Academic Research Awards Committee (ARAC) is responsible for stimulating and fostering the research functions of the school community by administering the Charlton Fund, organizing the Charlton Lecture and associated events, and recommending research honors for graduating medical students.

MD Admissions Committee

The TUSM MD Admissions Committee is a body of faculty, students, and deans who are responsible for the selection of candidates for admission to the medical school, and who develop the policy and procedures that govern admission of students to the school. Admissions Committee members work collaboratively to select the next generation of Tufts trained physicians, and experience great joy and fulfillment from interacting with our future students. We focus on equitable, ethical and holistic admissions practices and commit to personal and community growth in the areas of anti-racism and bias reduction.

TUSM faculty who have a faculty appointment at the assistant professor (or clinical assistant professor) level or higher are eligible to join the admissions committee. Committee terms for faculty are 3 years. The typical yearly time commitment for committee members is 100 hours of service. Faculty who are interested in learning more about the Admissions Committee or who would like to be considered for appointment as a member of the committee should contact the Dean of Admissions Amy Lee at amy.lee@tufts.edu to discuss the work of the committee in more detail.

Graduate Programs Admissions Committees

Graduate Programs Admissions Committees are responsible for admissions and recruitment to the graduate programs.

Anti-Racism Committee

The Antiracism Committee (ARC) is dedicated to promoting and advancing the mission of Tufts University School of Medicine as an antiracist institution. Its role encompasses various facets, including the recommendation and support of policies, practices, and norms to align TUSM with its antiracist objectives. The Committee's oversight extends to initiatives such as fostering antiracist curricula, identifying best practices for admissions, retention, and promotions processes that prioritize antiracism, and cultivating an inclusive, equitable, and antiracist learning environment. Additionally, the Committee plays a crucial role in developing accountability mechanisms, including data collection and evaluation of initiatives, recommending policy changes, and addressing ongoing disparities or ineffective practices. Reporting directly to the TUSM Dean, the Committee not only represents but also advises the Dean on strategies for achieving the institution's antiracist goals.

Basic Science Faculty Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee

The Basic Science Faculty Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee (BSFAPT) is responsibility for recommending policy, subject to Board of Trustees approval, for the appointment and promotion of basic science faculty members at the rank of associate professor and professor regardless of modifier, and for advising the dean regarding appointments, promotions, and tenure.

Clinical Faculty Promotion and Appointment Committee

Clinical Faculty Promotion and Appointment Committee (CLINPAC) is responsibility for recommending policy, subject to Board of Trustees approval, for the appointment and promotion of faculty members of clinical departments at the rank of associate professor or professor, regardless of track. It shall consider recommendations for appointments or promotions submitted to the dean by the departmental chair and shall advise the dean regarding them in keeping with its own policies and the relevant portions of these Bylaws.

MD Curriculum Committee

The MD Curriculum Committee is responsibility for the development and implementation of the educational policies and curriculum of the MD program. and for evaluation of the educational program, its content and teaching.

Public Health Programs Academic Affairs Committee

The Public Health Programs Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for ensuring that the academic mission of the Public Health Programs is achieved through the curricula. This committee aims to enhance the quality of education for Public Health Program students and creates policies that uphold the academic integrity and excellence of our degree, certificate, and course offerings.

Professional Degrees Curriculum Committees

The MBS and PA Curriculum Committees are charged with ensuring that the academic mission of the MBS and PA Programs are achieved through the curricula. The Committees promote excellence in education for students in the MBS and PA Programs, respectively, and develop policies that ensure the academic integrity and quality of course offerings.

Faculty Grievance Committee

The Faculty Grievance Committee has the authority and duty to look into formal complaints from faculty members. If the committee finds it suitable, they can choose members to form Formal Hearing Boards. These boards will conduct official hearings on faculty grievances and provide findings based on those hearings. The way these hearings are conducted and the reports that follow will follow the established Grievance Procedures outlined in the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook. Additionally, the Faculty Grievance Committee is responsible for reviewing faculty grievance procedures and suggesting changes to them for the Executive Council, Faculty Senate, and faculty to consider.

Student Ethics and Promotions Committee

The Student Ethics and Promotions Committee is responsible for several important tasks related to evaluating and supporting medical students throughout their studies. This includes developing and putting into practice promotion policies and procedures for students at all stages of the curriculum. They also keep an eye on students' progress throughout the program, assist in moving students from one phase to the next, recommend students for graduation, and handle situations involving academic struggles or ethical misconduct, whether it's related to academics or professional behavior. Additionally, subcommittees within this committee focus on reviewing students in the Graduate Programs.