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How to Give
Giving Now
Giving online is simple and takes just a few minutes. You can designate gifts in honor or memory of friends and loved ones, or for a specific purpose or program. Give online now.
U.S. Mail
Checks should be made out to Trustees of Tufts College. Please make a note that your gift is for Tufts University School of Medicine and mail it to:
Tufts University
P.O. Box 3306
Boston, MA 02241-3306
By Telephone
Credit card gifts can be made by calling 617-636-6770.
Securities or Wire Transfer
You may make a gift of stock through our online form or by contacting Tufts Treasury Office:
Wesley Browning
Phone: 617-627-3319
Fax: 617-627-2451
Email: Treasury@tufts.edu or Wesley.Browning@tufts.edu
Donor Advised Funds
To give to Tufts through your donor advised fund, speak with your fund administrator and have your gift sent to:
Tufts University
P.O. Box 3306
Boston, MA 02241-3306
Tufts’ tax ID number is 04-2103634. You should tell your fund administrator the purpose or designation of your gift so that it can be properly applied.
Did you know that you can name the School of Medicine as a remainder beneficiary of your donor advised fund? To learn more contact Laura Parker, Director of Gift Planning at laura.parker@tufts.edu
Matching Gifts
If your employer or your partner's employer has a matching gift program, your gifts to Tufts may be doubled or even tripled. Your human resources office can provide specific instructions about its process for matching gifts. Find out if your company matches gifts.
Corporate and Foundation Giving
Tufts Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations builds relationships between Tufts and different corporations and foundations. Learn how we can partner with your organization.
Gift Planning
Be Part of Our Future
Spendable Gifts vs Endowed Gifts
Maximum Impact Today or a Perpetual Legacy