Joshua Careskey, M77 and Nancy Careskey
In order to ensure that future students are able to pursue their passion of patient care, the Careskeys have included Tufts in their estate plans.
Your planned or estate gift leaves a lasting personal legacy of support for scholarship, teaching, and research at Tufts University School of Medicine. The Gift Planning Office is here to work with you, your family, and your advisers to help create a plan that meets your financial and philanthropic goals.
A bequest allows you to make a long-term commitment without affecting your current standard of living. You can provide for the future of the medical school by naming Tufts as a beneficiary of a specific percentage or dollar amount of your estate. You may support a particular fund or program or your gift may be unrestricted.
Sample Bequest Language:
Unrestricted Bequest:
"I give ________________ to Trustees of Tufts College, of Medford, Massachusetts, for the general purpose and use of Tufts University School of Medicine."
Gift for preferred purpose:
"I give ________________ to Trustees of Tufts College, of Medford, Massachusetts, in support of Tufts University School of Medicine. It is my wish that this gift be specifically used to support [list donor's specific intent here]. If it becomes inappropriate or impossible to accomplish this purpose of the gift as described herein, then the dean of Tufts University School of Medicine may designate this bequest to be used for the benefit of a substantially similar purpose."
If you are in the process of creating a will, your attorney may need the university's tax ID number, which is 04-2103634.
This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please contact your attorney if you are considering this type of gift.
In order to ensure that future students are able to pursue their passion of patient care, the Careskeys have included Tufts in their estate plans.
Thomas Hedges III, M75 is passionate about the medical school's past and future. Tom and his wife, Gail, have established a gift for the school in their estate plans.
Mike Gilman, M64 and Debbie Gilman, M64 have included a gift in their wills. "Tufts gave us a unique chance to go to medical school together," says Mike. "We wanted to say thank you."
Richard Reines, A71, M76, A01P, A04P, M05P, established a scholarship for Tufts undergraduate students on a path to medicine and one for medical students pursuing family medicine, and he plans to add to both through his estate plan.
When Carole Allen, M71 thought about how to give back, she thought of her IRA.
Jesse Garber, M41 set up a charitable gift annuity in his lifetime to benefit Tufts and his surviving spouse, Donna Garber.
Bolstering financial aid is important to Jim Reed, M84 and he is supporting scholarships by naming Tufts as the beneficiary of a life insurance plan.
Bill Gallup, M55 and Jean Harrington Gallup, J50 place great value on philanthropy. They have established a charitable remainder trust and also designated a portion of Bill’s IRA for scholarships at both Tufts undergraduate and medical school.
If you are working with an estate or trust that is distributing a gift to the School of Medicine, please contact the associate director of estate administration, who oversees receipt of all such gifts on behalf of Tufts University:
Yvette M. Story, Esq.
Associate Director of Estate Administration
Gift Planning Office
80 George Street
Medford, MA 02155
Phone 617-627-3876
Fax 617-627-4541