Community Building Subcommittee


The goal of this subcommittee is to establish and maintain programming events intended to promote a welcoming and inclusive workplace that celebrates diversity. We will develop ways to bring together members of the departmental community to enhance a sense of belonging and host events designed to educate and promote discussion within our department on issues related to race, gender, and mental health.


We sponsor events throughout the year and also prepare information for new members of our community such as our on-boarding document that welcomes new trainees to our department.

Some of our other activities are highlighted below.

students in Jaharis courtyard

Welcoming New Trainees

Social events welcome new trainees and students to our department.

student faculty lunch

Get to Know You Lunches

Sharing information about ourselves in a casual situation is one way we get to know each other.

trainees discussing issues


Actuali-TEA is a recurring event that promotes discussion of issues related to DEI such as anti-Blackness in Academia, Women in STEM, and Mental Health in Academia.