Tufts Comprehensive Family Evaluation Center

The Tufts Comprehensive Family Evaluation Center (TCFEC) at Tufts University School of Medicine performs Guardian ad litem, Parenting Coordination services, and other court-ordered clinical assessments for children and families in the court system. TCFEC is the only medical school-based Guardian ad litem program in the greater Boston area.

Our distinguished team of clinicians perform family evaluations in fields including: child custody, child and sexual abuse, visitation, domestic violence, parenting plans, substance abuse, parental alienation, and other issues related to children and families in the court system.

TCFEC accepts appointments for Guardians ad litem (GAL), Parent Coordinators (PC), and other court-appointed investigations and evaluations from the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts as well as the Juvenile Courts in matters of child custody, visitation, adoption, guardianship and related matters.

TCFEC's mental health experts are also available to conduct evaluations and testify in a broad range of civil litigation matters.
