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Alumni Awards
The Tufts University Alumni Association began the Tufts University Alumni Awards Program in 1941 to honor accomplished individuals for their service to their profession, their communities, and to Tufts.
2021 Tufts University School of Medicine Award Recipient
The following is Tufts University School of Medicine award winner:
Distinguish Service Award - Betsy Busch, M75

Betsy Busch, M75, is an internationally known Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician, and Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM). She is a thought leader, clinician, and consultant in ADHD, psychopharmacology, child mental health and prevention of child maltreatment. She has consulted with almost 2 dozen biotech/pharmaceutical companies regarding new therapeutics for ADHD. She is a certified examiner for Major League Baseball and the National Football League; a Gubernatorial appointee to the Board of the Massachusetts Children’s Trust; a mentor to under-represented minority students through the Biomedical Sciences Careers Program; a founding member of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD); and a Cummings Foundation volunteer. Betsy was awarded the Dr. Ray E. Helfer, M.D. Award for her work in the prevention of child maltreatment.
Having met and married her wonderful husband, Jack Szlyk (M73), at TUSM, Betsy graduated from TUSM in 1975. Following an internship, residency and fellowship in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital, she joined the Department of Pediatrics at Tufts Medical Center (Tufts MC) and TUSM, where she taught General Pediatrics, Human Development, Interviewing and Problem-Based Learning. She started a program for pediatric ADHD and learning disorders, was attending physician on the Inpatient Pediatrics service, and trained countless Tufts medical students and residents. Betsy then became the founding Clinical-Research Director of the Center for Children with Special Needs at Tufts MC and initiated new fellowship and funded research programs in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. Betsy also served on the Tufts MC Institutional Review Board (IRB) and consults with the Dean of Student Affairs at TUSM regarding student accommodations.
Betsy is active in the Tufts University Alumni Association (TUAA) and the Tufts Medical Alumni Association (TMAA); she was the 2nd female President of TMAA. In 2010, Betsy became a Tufts University Alumni Trustee, and was Chair of its Honorary Degree Committee. She also serves on the Tisch College Board of Advisors.
Distinguish Service Award - Scott K. Epstein, M84

Scott K. Epstein, M84, is a Professor of Medicine, and Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM). He currently serves as the TUSM Director of Continuous Quality Improvement and Medical Director of the Physician Assistant Program. A 1984 TUSM graduate, he subsequently completed internal medicine residency training and served as chief medical resident at Tufts Medical Center (Tufts MC). With the exception of fellowship training at Boston University (1989-1992), he has spent his entire career at Tufts.
In 1992, he joined the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division at Tufts MC eventually directing the Medical Intensive Care Unit. From 2004-2007, he was Vice Chair for Education, Residency Program Director, and Clerkship Director in the Department of Medicine at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, a Tufts teaching hospital.
Dr. Epstein then spent 15 years as TUSM Dean for Educational Affairs, stepping down on Dec 31, 2021. During that time, he led two major curricular revisions emphasizing the integration of clinical and basic science, population medicine, clinical reasoning, simulation, and clinical skills training. He has been a committed educator in the classroom and at the bedside. He directed the 2nd year TUSM Pulmonary Course for nearly 25 years and now co-directs the Introduction to Clinical Reasoning Course.
Tufts medical students and residents have recognized him for excellence in teaching on thirty separate occasions. Dr. Epstein is also the recipient of the Zucker Prize for Outstanding Innovations in Clinical Teaching, the Dean’s Outstanding Mentor Award, the Outstanding Teacher in the Clinical Sciences Award, the Outstanding Teacher in the Preclerkship Years Award, and the TUSM Distinguished Alumni Award. His research interests have focused principally on mechanical ventilation and critical care. He has published 275 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, commentaries, editorials, and scientific abstracts. His publications have been cited by subsequent authors more than 9000 times.
Young Alumni Achievement Award - Nicholas Gordon, D12, MG14

Nicholas Gordon is a native of Fort Washington, Maryland and a graduate of Morehouse College. He is the first graduate of Tufts’ DMD/MPH dual degree program, obtaining both his Doctor of Dental Medicine and Master of Public Health degrees from Tufts. Gordon went on to complete specialty training in both dental public health and pediatric dentistry at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. Gordon is a board-certified pediatric dentist and is the owner of Camp Springs Pediatric Dentistry in Maryland.
Gordon is a Captain in the United States Air Force and currently serves as a dentist in the District of Columbia Air National Guard. Additionally, he serves as Co-Chair of the National Dental Association Global Oral Health Outreach Committee where he works to increase access to dental care for vulnerable communities domestically and abroad. An area of focus of his has been working with the University of Haiti School of Dentistry to promote oral health and prevention in rural communities in Haiti. Gordon was awarded the Herschel S. Horowitz Scholarship from the American Association of Public Health Dentistry Foundation and his research focuses on access to care for vulnerable populations.
One of Gordon’s greatest joys is speaking to students. As a clinical instructor in the Department of Public Health and Community Service at Tufts School of Dental Medicine he has the opportunity to present to dental students about disparities in oral health and discuss social justice in health care issues.
Gordon enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, Shanika and their son, Julian. In his spare time, Gordon advocates to lawmakers for increased access to oral health care for all people. He also enjoys running, kayaking and speaking to youth about the wonderful profession of dentistry.
Tufts University School of Medicine Award Recipients Since 1941
The following are Tufts University School of Medicine alumni who have been recognized for their achievements since the Tufts University Alumni Awards Program began in 1941:
Full Name & Suffix | Year | Award |
Betsy Busch, MD, M75 | 2021 | Distinguished Service Award |
Scott K. Epstein, MD, M84 | 2021 | Distinguished Service Award |
Nicholas B. Gordon, D12, MG14 | 2021 | Young Alumni Achievement Award |
Derrick Young Jr., MG17 | 2020 | Young Alumni Service Award |
Emily Frank, MD, M15 | 2019 | Young Alumni Achievement Award |
Tom Hedges, MD, M75 | 2017 | Distinguished Service Award |
Genevra "Gevvie" Stone, MD, M14 | 2017 | Young Alumni Achievement Award |
Nahid Bhadelia, MD, MALD, J99, F04, M05 | 2016 | Active Citizenship & Public Service Award |
Mark D. Pearlmutter, MD | 2016 | Distinguished Service to Tufts |
Sean B. Carroll, PhD, GSBS83 | 2015 | Distinguished Achievement Award |
Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba, MD, M02 | 2015 | Distinguished Achievement |
Randal (Randy) C. Christensen, MD, MPH, M95 | 2014 | Citizenship & Public Service Award |
Mary Y. Lee, MD, MA, MS, J75, M83 | 2014 | Distinguished Serve Award |
Katherine Luzuriaga, MD, M84 | 2014 | Achievement Award |
Steven J. Phillips, MD, M66, A89P | 2012 | Distinguished Achievement Award |
David S. Rosenthal, MD, M63, AG88P | 2011 | Distinguished Achievement Award |
Sherwood L. Gorbach, MD, M62, J84P | 2009 | Distinguished Service Award |
Lawrence K. Altman, MD, M62 | 2008 | Distinguished Service Award |
John C. Richmond, MD, M76 | 2008 | Distinguished Service Award |
Bernard E. Maney, MD, A49, M53, J81P | 2007 | Lifetime Service Award |
Elena M. Massarotti, MD, J80, M84 | 2006 | Distinguished Service Award |
Donald E. Wilson, MD, MACP, M62, H08 | 2006 | Distinguished Service Award |
Gloria White-Hammond, MD, M76, H06 | 2005 | Distinguished Service Award |
Roseanna H. Means, MD, M81 | 2004 | Distinguished Service Award |
Paul A. Brown, M64, M93P | 2002 | |
William M. McDermott, A53, M58, AG54, A84P | 1999 | Lifetime Service Award |
Robert A. Sears, MD, A50, M54, A83P | 1997 | |
Philip E. McCarthy, M59, M97P | 1996 | Lifetime Service Award |
Barbara A. Rockett, MD, M57, M90P, M93P, J96P | 1995 | |
Francis A. D'Ambrosio, MD, M45, J80P, M80P, M88P | 1991 | |
Henry H. Banks, MD, M45, AG74P | 1990 | |
Bernard A. Berman, MD, A45, M48, J83P | 1986 | |
Elias C. Dow, M53, J85P, M85P, M87P | 1985 | |
Francis A. Avola, MD, A41, M44 | 1981 | |
Brian M. Golden, MD, A61, M65, A89P | 1981 | |
Fred G. Arrigg, MD, M47, A75P, A77P, M78P, M79P, M82P | 1978 | |
Farahe Maloof, MD, M45 | 1978 | |
Jane F. Desforges, MD, M45 | 1975 | Lifetime Service Award |
Gerard Desforges, MD, M45 | 1975 | Lifetime Service Award |
Thomas A. Martin, MD, M32 | 1971 | |
Robert E. McAfee, M60, M87P | 1966 | Distinguished Achievement Award |
Francis P. McCarthy, MD, M05 | 1966 | |
H. Spencer Glidden, MD, A27, M31, AG62P | 1963 | |
Helen C. Young, MD, M49 | 1963 | |
Lawrence R. Dame, MD, A23, M27 | 1959 | |
Philip E. Meltzer, D15, M18 | 1957 | |
George W. Papen, MD, A15, M16 | 1957 | |
Nathan Brody, MD, A29, M33 | 1956 | |
Anna Q. Churchill, MD, M17 | 1955 | |
J. Laurence Golden, MD, M28, A55P, J59P, D61P, J61P, A61P, J63 | 1953 | |
Frank H. Dunbar, MD, M00 | 1952 | |
Stanley H. Osborn, MD, M14, H42 | 1951 | |
Edward M. Hodgkins, MD, M15 | 1950 | |
Harry Blotner, MD, M24, A60P, M64P | 1948 | |
Alonzo K. Paine, MD, M02, H47 | 1945 | |
George G. Averill, MD, M96, H41 | 1944 | |
A. Warren Stearns, MD, A09, M10, H43, A39P | 1943 | |
Christopher J. Duncan, MD, M28 | 1942 | |
Louis E. Phaneuf, MD, M13 | 1942 |