Important Tufts Beginnings Inspire a Gift for the Future

Emilie and Alexei Wagner’s time at Tufts University is marked by important milestones, including the start of their careers and their marriage. Now they are committed to giving back to Tufts University Medical School through estate planning.
Alexei, A05, M10, and Emilie Wagner, A05

For Emilie and Alexei Wagner, Tufts University is a place of important beginnings. The couple met during their senior year, and Alexei later proposed to Emilie on the Hill. While pursuing busy careers and raising a family, they’ve continued to support Tufts through annual gifts, and when they created an estate plan, they included a bequest to Tufts University School of Medicine.

“So much of what we’ve become together was modeled for us at Tufts,” said Emilie, who majored in architectural studies. She went on to complete an MBA. and is now a health-care design strategist. Alexei majored in economics, earned his MD/MBA from the medical school and is an emergency medicine physician and entrepreneur. The Wagners have taught at Stanford and Harvard universities, including a course they co-taught on using design thinking to improve patient experiences that drew on their respective areas of expertise.

Alexei credits much of his success to the medical school. “TUSM’s core values, like the focus on empathy and inclusivity in patient care and the commitment to innovative health-care solutions, have had a big impact in my career.” He’s glad to know their estate planning today will help TUSM to meet challenges and opportunities long into the future. “This gift is a way to express our gratitude and pay it forward,” added Emilie.

For more information on including TUSM in your estate plans, please contact our Gift Planning Office: 888-748-8387 •