Thoughtful Planning Honors Parents, Helps Students

An alumni's parents inspired her to include a gift in her estate plans, designated for student financial aid.
Barbara Price

Barbara Price, J85, M89, was raised by parents who supported many causes, particularly education. Her mother, Marjorie, was an elementary school teacher and active volunteer; her father, Paul, was a World War II veteran and lawyer.

She said it was a wonderful upbringing, which inspired her to include a gift for the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine in her estate plans, designated for student financial aid.

“Tufts is a big part of who I am. My experiences there made me a better person and opened my eyes to things I may not have known,” she said. “Hopefully I can carry on the torch my parents gave me, and help give the same experiences to others.”

A nephrologist with a solo practice in Morristown, NJ, Barbara is a member of the Charles Tufts Society. This honored group comprises nearly 1,800 alumni, parents, friends, faculty, and staff who have informed Tufts that the university is included in their will, trust, or retirement or other plans. Members represent every school at Tufts, and class years from 1940 to 2020. Tufts supporters have recently expanded the society: It has reached and expects to surpass a Brighter World campaign goal of welcoming 1,000 new members. 

Whether anonymous or recognized, unrestricted or designated for a specific purpose, these gifts reflect the donors’ goals—in Barbara’s case, nodding to her parents, helping students, and improving our world. “If this gets people out in the field who make discoveries in basic science, research, and medicine that will help mankind, it’s money well spent.”

To learn more or start planning your gift, visit Gift Planning