MD Student Stories

Anna Kheyfets Daoud, MD/MPH24

Anna Kheyfets Daoud, MD/MPH24

"When applying to medical school, I focused on MD/MPH programs because my passion for medicine has its roots in public health. I now have a health systems knowledge base with which to care for individual patients as well as their larger communities."
Zemplen Pataki, MD/PhD24

Zemplen Pataki, MD/PhD24

“My aspirations and goals are driven by my passion for pathology and my desire to make a meaningful impact in patient care. I aim to become the best pathologist I can be."
Nicholas Kakos, MD24, MBS20

Nicholas Kakos, MBS20, M24

“Being a doctor isn’t necessarily about saving lives, it’s about helping people live the best version of the life they’ve been given. That mindset will allow you to craft the most patient-centered care and connect with individuals across disciplines.”
Shantiera Taylor, MD24

Shantiera Taylor, M24

“As I eagerly anticipate the next phase of my career as a surgical resident, I am profoundly grateful for the comprehensive education and unwavering support I received at Tufts."
James Miller, M23, poses for a portrait outside the Med Ed building

James Miller, M23

"One thing I am most proud of is a skill I developed at Tufts: the ability to attempt new things even when I’m not sure that I can do them."
Francesca Yi, M23, poses for a portrait

Francesca Yi, M23

"I knew when I was applying to med school that Tufts would be my first choice. My time here has proven me right: it’s a place that’s filled with brilliant, kind people, and they’ve inspired me to try to become the best version of a doctor"