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Biomedical Research & Public Health Building
Thompson Sim Center
The Camilla Bessey Thompson And Paul D. Thompson, M.D., Clinical Skills And Simulation Center—also known as the Sim Center—is a 15,000-square-foot training facility located on the third floor of the BioMed Building. It includes a 50-person classroom, 16 simulated exam rooms, four simulation spaces equipped with advance computerized mannequins that display signs and distress in realistic ways, and three observation/monitoring rooms. These types of facilities and tools are invaluable to learners, ensuring they gain hands-on experience in a wide and diverse range of scenarios.
Michael J. Anatomy Lab
Upon entering the BioMed Building, make a right and walk up one level to the Michael Jaharis Jr., M87P, H15, Anatomy Laboratory, an entirely new facility with room for more than 200 students and faculty to work with high-resolution diagnostic imaging and computer screens at each of the 44 dissection tables. It was designed to integrate technology and interactive learning with the classic anatomy dissection experience to better prepare our students to become great clinicians.

Locker Rooms & Lounge Area
Adjacent to the Anatomy Lab are locker rooms for changing and storing possessions, and a lounge area.
The locker rooms for the Anatomy Lab are located in the M&V wing of the BioMed Building.

Technology Enhanced Active Learning Classroom
Adjacent to the Anatomy Lab is a Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) Classroom, based on a design by MIT.
The TEAL Classroom has room for up to 60 students to work at stations set up for interacting with each other and their instructor.
Lab Spaces
The BioMed Building is home to numerous labs, conducting a wide variety of biomedical research spanning our four basic science departments: Developmental, Molecular & Chemical Biology; Immunology; Molecular Biology and Microbiology; and Neuroscience. The understanding and appreciation of medical research is considered an essential component of the curriculum. All students are strongly encouraged to obtain research experience. Numerous opportunities are available for students to join the research of faculty members in a variety of laboratories, clinics, and departments at Tufts and its affiliated hospitals, as well as programs at institutions across the United States.
Graduate Programs Office of Student Services
The Tufts University School of Medicine Graduate Programs (TUSMGP) Office of Graduate Student Services is located on the first floor of the M&V wing of the BioMed Building past the security desk. It houses the administrative offices for TUSMGP Career Services, Registrar, and Students Affairs. The TUSMGP Office of Graduate Student Services is open Monday-Thursday, from 9am to 5pm.

M&V 5th Floor
The fifth floor of the M&V wing of the BioMed Building houses the administrative offices for the MBS and PA programs.
The space also features open work states and private rooms available to students.