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Support Students

MD students at the Whitecoats ceremony

At the core of Tufts University School of Medicine is our mission to promote human health. Our graduates are out in the world treating patients compassionately and responsibly and pursuing solutions to some of science’s most enduring problems. When you support student financial aid, you demonstrate a true commitment to creating a new generation of physicians who will spend their lives doing work that makes the world a better place.

Help Our Students Help the World

Donor support enables us to offer scholarships that support students – and Tufts – in so many ways. Your gift will help:

  • Ensure access – Scholarships make a Tufts education affordable to students who otherwise might not have the financial resources to attend.
  • Foster and celebrate diversity – We are committed to enrolling students from different walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds, so that our nation’s caregivers are as diverse as the people and communities they serve.
  • Train physicians the world needs – Financial aid gives our graduates the flexibility to pursue careers in sometimes lower paying – but crucially important – disciplines like primary care.
  • Pay it forward - Students who receive a scholarship are more likely to return the favor by donating on behalf of another student in the future. Which means the impact of the gift you give today will be felt far into the future.

What You Can Support

Whether you give to the Future Tufts Physicians Scholarship or in the form of a term, endowed, or bequest scholarship, your gift allows bright, passionate men and women to experience a world-class education—and apply it in the service of a healthier humanity.

Term scholarships are established for a set number of years and is funded each year by a gift of $15,000 or more.

Endowed scholarships are established with a gift which is invested in perpetuity with the general endowment and the distribution is used to provide the award.

Bequest scholarships are established by naming Tufts as a beneficiary of a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your will or other estate plans. Learn more about planned giving.

Scholarships in Action

Supporting financial aid creates new opportunities for students, and gives donors a chance to show their commitment to helping shape the next generation of physicians and scientists.

Invest in a Healthier Future

Find out more about how your philanthropy can open doors to the physicians, scientists, and healthcare professionals of tomorrow. Explore all the ways you can give.