2024 TUSM Commencement Ceremonies

Celebrating the achievements of the Class of 2024
MD students looking at their degrees

Tufts University School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) honored the Class of 2024 in the Gantcher Family Sports and Convocation Center, presenting degrees to 187 graduates of the MD program (including 37 who earned dual degrees) and 38 graduates who earned doctorates or master’s degrees from GSBS. A ceremony honoring the 344 graduates from the School of Medicine’s graduate programs was held later in the day at the Carmichael Quadrangle.

School of Medicine Class of 2024 President Gillian Brandt noted that she and her classmates had already likely conquered any imposter syndrome that crept in over the past four years.

“Pushing through that self-doubt and uncertainty, as the years went by, something remarkable happened,” Brandt said. “We started to realize that we weren’t faking it at all. We were learning, growing, becoming more competent every day. Those moments of doubt were balanced by moments of success.”

School of Medicine Dean Helen Boucher pointed out that the Class of 2024 didn’t slow down even as they began their education began at the height of the pandemic.

“This class, your class, met the struggle with purpose, with conviction for our values of humanism and professionalism,” Boucher said. “You’ve done so much to advance health justice in our school, our university, and our community through your research, service, and advocacy. You’ve shown us that the struggle is worth it.”

In his first commencement ceremony as dean ad interim of the GSBS, Michael Chin told the Class of 2024 that their leadership is crucial as we face future global health crises and unmet health care needs, encouraging the graduates to “be ambassadors for science to the public at large, and to remind them of the value of science for the public good.”

At the graduate programs ceremony, Minh A. Phan, who earned a master’s in public health, shared his journey of immigration to the United States as a child and how it impacted his pursuit of a meaningful career.

“I discovered the most significant breakthroughs occurred when minds from different backgrounds converged,” Phan explained. “It is in this spirit of collaboration that the true potential of health care is realized.”