Dr. Walid El-Bermani Advanced Anatomy Lab Dedication Celebrating a teaching icon and a space for the future of medical education.
Tufts DPT Program in Phoenix Achieves Accreditation Celebrating a milestone in excellence for Tufts University School of Medicine.
Joint Biomedical Hires Pave the Way Toward Discovery Announcing the first two hires of a planned, joint cluster hire initiative between Tufts University School of Medicine and Tufts Medicine
More than 100 Volunteers Join Cherish Chinatown Cleanup Tufts students, staff, and faculty contributed to the annual tradition, in partnership with the university's Boston Health Sciences campus neighbors.
A Table the Size of a University Students, faculty, and staff from across the university are sharing meals—and food for thought—through the community dinner series Tufts Table
A Perfect Match: Doctors in the Making Learn Their Next Stop Match Day pairs graduating School of Medicine students with their much-anticipated medical residency programs
A Lifetime of Caring for Boston’s ‘Rough Sleepers’ Public health pioneer Jim O’Connell champions kindness and continuity in treating the homeless
Cherish Chinatown Restaurant Challenge Returns for 2023 Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to dine in or order takeout from the diverse array of neighborhood eateries in Boston’s Chinatown