How to Make the Most of the Tufts MBS Program: A Current Student’s Tips for Success

Evangeline Adjei-Danquah, MBS25
Eva posing by pink flowers

Hi, my name is Evangeline Adjei-Danquah, but everyone calls me Eva! I am currently in my second year of the MBS program at Tufts. I moved to Boston from South Philadelphia for the graduate program, but prior to that, I completed my undergraduate degree at Swarthmore College. Knowing my goal was to become a physician, my mentors would always tell me to apply for medical school when my candidacy was strongest. Having researched the Tufts MBS program and read some of their student stories, I knew that the program would help me to reach the highest potential of my candidacy as a medical school applicant. Using the many resources Tufts MBS offers has let me enhance my scientific knowledge, proving to medical schools I can succeed in their rigorous curriculum. The MBS program has further provided me opportunities to serve diverse communities in the Boston area. The program mentors have also gotten to know me personally and understand my unique story as an aspiring physician.

Having completed my first year in MBS, I wanted to share five tips and strategies below that help me through the program:

  1. Determine how you best study for each course early—every course is different, and you may need to adapt your studying to the different structures of each
  2. Do practice questions and review them often and early—set aside time after you study to practice your comprehension and review how accurate your understanding is
  3. Attend each of your small groups and rewatch lectures as needed—if you find there are concepts you are still uncertain of, you may need to rewatch that part of the lecture more than once
  4. Join or make a study group with some of your peers early—accurately explaining concepts is a good test of understanding, and listening to how a classmate explains a concept can help you to better comprehend
  5. MBS can be tough. If you are struggling, do not be fearful to ask for help and address difficulties early. Try to find an appropriate work/play balance and care for yourself physically and mentally. 

One theme across most of these tips is to start everything early. When you start early, there is more time to determine what strategies work for you and how you may need to grow. As you go through MBS, also remember that you are not experiencing the program alone. You have access to second-year MBS students who can share personal experiences, resources, and lessons. Your fellow and future MBS classmates will create an encouraging environment as you all learn together and from one another. Team MBS in the administrative office is always there to support you, too! Good luck, we are all cheering you on to success!

Related Links:

Tufts MBS Program Overview
MBS Admissions Information
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