TUSM Faculty Senate

The TUSM Faculty Senate is an elected body that represents faculty from all components of the School of Medicine, including basic science, clinical departments, and graduate programs. The Faculty Senate advises the dean on matters affecting the faculty, communicates with the Executive Council and standing committees, and may direct these bodies to investigate or take action on matters of concern to the faculty.

TUSM Faculty Senate By-Laws

TUSM Faculty Senate Members

Senators are elected from departments for three-year terms and may be re-elected for a second three-year term. Terms begin July 1 and end June 30.

Clinical DepartmentsTerm SequenceFaculty Senator
Anesthesia2026*Pei-Shan Zhao
Dermatology2025*Natalia Plotnikova
Emergency Medicine2025*Nissa Ali
Family Medicine2025*Brian Penti
Internal Medicine2025*Maher Tabba
Neurology2026*Deborah Green-Laroche
Neurosurgery2024Mina Safain
Obstetrics & Gynecology2025*Jenny Ruan
Ophthalmology2026*Catherine Choi
Orthopedic Surgery2026^Matthew Salzler
Otolaryngology2023*Richard Wein
Pathology2025Haihui Liao
Pediatrics2025^Rachana Singh
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R)2024^Nadia Zaman
Public Health & Community Medicine2025*Libby Bradshaw
Psychiatry2024Paul Plasky
Radiation Oncology2026*John Mignano
Radiology2024*Susannah Kay
Rehabilitation Science (new DPT department)2026^Liana Wooten
Surgery2025^Thomas Schnelldorfer
Urology2024Tony Luongo
Affiliated Hospitals  
Newton-Wellesley Hospital2026^TBD
Maine Medical Center2025^Robert Ecker
South Shore Hospital2026^Kamran Mansour
Tufts Medicine2026^TBD – new position
Basic Science Departments  
Basic Science at Large2026^Brent Cochran
Basic Science at Large2026^Michael Malamy
Basic Science at Large2026^Alexei Degterev
Neuroscience2026*Yongjie Yang
Developmental, Molecular & Chemical Biology2025Victor Hatini
Immunology2026*David Greenblatt
Molecular Biology & Microbiology2025^Andrew Camilli
Medical Education2025^Najla Fiaturi

2026* = 2nd term 2026^ = 1st term

TUSM Faculty Senate Committees

  • Executive Committee: Libby Bradshaw, DO, MS (Chair), Yongjie Yang, PhD (Vice-Chair), Brent Cochran, PhD (Secretary); Larry Feig, PhD (Immediate Past-Chair), Henry Wortis, MD (Immediate Past-Secretary)
  • Elections Committee

Schedule of 2024-2025 Meetings

Regularly scheduled meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month, modified to the 4th Monday when there is a university holiday on the 3rd Monday. This academic year several meetings are being held in hybrid format (in-person and on Zoom). Faculty Senate meetings are open to the entire faculty and administration as non-voting attendees. The Faculty Senate may, upon decision of the chair, call for a closed session.

•    Monday, September 30 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, October 21 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, November 18 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, December 16 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, January 27 – 5:30-6:30 PM (4th Monday due to MLK Day)
•    Monday, February 24 – 5:30-6:30 PM (4th Monday due to President’s Day)
•    Monday, March 24 – 5:30-6:30 PM (4th Monday due to Evacuation Day & Spring Break)
•    Monday, April 28 – 5:30-6:30 PM (4th Monday due to Patriot’s Day)
•    Monday, May 19 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, June 16 – 5:30-6:30 PM
•    Monday, July 21 – 5:30-6:30 PM (if needed) 

If you would like to regularly receive notifications of Senate meetings and/or attend Senate meetings, please email TUSM.FacultySenate@tufts.edu.