Maya Weintraub, PA24

"What I love most about the program is the wealth of resources Tufts provides its students. We have access to a state-of-the-art simulation center for practicing our procedural skills and physical exams."
Headshot image of Maya

Explore Tufts' PA Program through our students’ stories. This National Physician Assistant Week (October 6-12), we're thrilled to share the incredible journeys and experiences of our Tufts PA Program students.

These are just a few glimpses of the incredible individuals who make up our Tufts PA Program family. Their stories will inspire you, motivate you, and make you realize the boundless opportunities that await within our program.

Stay tuned this week as we share these compelling stories and invite you to be a part of the Tufts PA community!

Why did you choose to pursue this degree?

"I chose to pursue the PA program because I knew I wanted to work alongside other healthcare professionals as a part of a team to help patients achieve their health goals. The PA career is the ideal path in medicine for me because it offers adaptability in my career. I have a variety of interests that I hope to pursue (OBGYN, Peds, and Cardiology) and becoming a PA will allow me flexibility to explore these specialties, while continually learning and growing throughout my career."

Why did you choose Tufts to pursue your degree?

"What drew my attention to and why I ultimately chose to attend Tufts is because of the faculty. From the beginning of interview day, I was immediately struck by the professors' unwavering passion for education, and their genuine enthusiasm when discussing the program and their students. The professors are mentors and are driven to foster the success of their students as future health care providers. The January start date was also an added bonus of choosing Tufts. Starting our training months before the traditional September start, meant that we also became PAs sooner!"

What has your experience in the program been like so far?

"To be honest, moving from sunny Southern California to Boston, a place I had never been before, was challenging. Moving in the middle of winter, all while starting PA school was a lot of change at first, but and I quickly learned what it means when people compare graduate medical education to trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. Now I am not trying to scare away prospective students, PA school is absolutely doable, thousands of people before us have done it, but it takes work. And yes it does become more manageable with each passing semester. The past two years have been a rollercoaster of change, excitement, stress, pride, and dedication. At times I have doubted my self, but finally having the chance to reconnect with patients during clinical year has made the journey worth it."

What is your favorite aspect about the program?

"What I love most about the program is the wealth of resources Tufts provides its students. We have access to a state-of-the-art simulation center for practicing our procedural skills and physical exams. We are also able to work alongside professors and medical students in the cadaver anatomy lab. As we approach graduation we have had have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers who provide insights on financial advising and career services as we approach graduation."

What is your proudest personal accomplishment while at Tufts?

"My proudest personal accomplishment at Tufts was receiving my white coat from my mother during the White Coat Ceremony. Unlike most programs that hold this ceremony at the start, Tufts' ceremony occurs in October, after 10 months of didactic year. This delay along with the personal connection of my mom placing the coat made the moment even more special, as it symbolized the dedication and hard work I had invested in earning that coat."

What do you wish to accomplish upon graduation?

"When I graduate in January, I hope the past two years at Tufts will have laid a strong foundation for me to begin my career as a PA. While I am not sure what speciality I will start in, I have learned the most important aspect of a first job is to feel supported by coworkers and supervising physicians. I know no matter where I start my first job there will be steep learning curve, but I hope to be in an environment that fosters my growth and improve upon my skills."

What do you want a prospective student to know about Tufts?

"I want prospective students to know that Tufts offers an exceptional education because of its dedicated faculty. Our faculty is committed to guiding students throughout the program and is genuinely invested in helping them reach their full potential. Faculty members actively build connections with students that extend beyond the the classroom, fostering a deeper understanding of each student’s experience in the program."

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