Shobhik Chakraborty, MPH23

"I love that I can showcase the skills that I learned through the Applied Practical Experience and actually have deliverables at the end of it."
Headshot image of Shobhik

Our CEPH-accredited online Master of Public Health (MPH) program equips students with marketable skills and experience in public health programming, study design, and advocacy. They will work directly with an outside agency through our  Applied Practical Experience. Hear more about the online MPH program from Shobhik Chakraborty, MPH23.

Why did you choose to pursue this degree?
"I chose to pursue an MPH because after graduating with my bachelor's degree, I worked at various jobs in the mental healthcare field that highlighted the need for health equity."

Why did you choose Tufts to pursue this degree?
"I chose Tufts to pursue an MPH because it is a well-established CEPH accredited school that also provided the option of online learning."

What has your experience it the online MPH program been like so far?
"Throughout the program, I have developed a further understanding and appreciation for data and the storytelling that goes into how data is portrayed in the mainstream. This program has also been a great facilitator for teamwork and has provided me an opportunity to connect with professors and peers alike."

What is your favorite aspect about the program?
"I love that I can showcase the skills that I learned through the Applied Practical Experience and actually have deliverables at the end of it."

What has been your proudest accomplishment while being in the program?
"Through the Tufts online MPH program, I was able to find an internship at the VA through connecting with a professor!"

What advice do you have for prospective students?
"Come into the program with a blank slate, you might not know what truly interests you until you come into class. Also, never be afraid to reach out to TAs or professors, they are there to help you."

Learn More About The MPH Program