
Zemplen Pataki, MD/PhD24

Zemplen Pataki, MD/PhD24

“My aspirations and goals are driven by my passion for pathology and my desire to make a meaningful impact in patient care. I aim to become the best pathologist I can be."
Grace Legris, MPH24

Grace Legris, MPH24

“The field of public health is incredibly dynamic and Tufts offers a variety of courses that may be outside your comfort zone. I found that venturing into unfamiliar territory was invaluable.”
James Edward Patino, MPH24

James Edward Patino, MPH24

“Through a lens of social justice and cultural humility, I am committed to using my personal and professional experiences to advocate for policies and interventions that prioritize equitable access to healthcare, especially for minoritized communities.”
Headshot image of Rosanne

Faculty Spotlight: Rosanne Washington

"As faculty, we build strong connections and professional relationships with our students which continues beyond their time here at Tufts which speaks volumes in my opinion."