
Jamie Maguire works alongside a lab assistant at Tufts in 2013

New Hope for Postpartum Depression

For women with postpartum depression—by some estimates, nearly one in five new mothers—the recent announcement of positive results in clinical trials of a drug to help alleviate their symptoms was welcome news.
Diana Bartenstein, M18, working with women at BHCHP

About Face

How a program launched by a Tufts student encourages women experiencing homelessness to remember self-care.
Jody Schindelheim in his office. Photo: Alonso Nichols

Staving Off Burnout

Jody Schindelheim, the director of medical student education in psychiatry and a clinical professor at the School of Medicine, helps budding physicians grapple with the emotional burdens of the profession.

Endowed Scholarship Donors

They are a family of Jumbos: Holly Puritz, J79, M83, her husband, Stephen Wohlgemuth, M83, his brother Mark, M78, and their father Paul, M49.
Colin Russell with Tufts students and clinic staffers in Namibia

New Worldview

School of Medicine students evaluate programs and policies to combat HIV in Namibia