MD Academic Support

The MD Office of Student Affairs (OSA) offers a variety of academic support resources to help MD students adjust to our high-volume learning environment. The OSA supports students’ transition to medical school by encouraging them to develop and enhance their study skills.  A variety of academic support services are offered that discuss study strategies, time management, note-taking skills, and board preparation.

  • As students transition from undergraduate education to medical school, they may need to adjust their learning skills to adapt to our high-volume learning environment. Medical school is frequently described as trying to drink water from a fire hose!  Students are asked to learn and process large quantities of material in both the preclinical and clinical curriculum. Therefore, students are encouraged to utilize appropriate active learning strategies that can facilitate deep processing and the long-term retention and application of information.

    Learn more about High Volume Learning

  • Time management is an analysis of how you spend your time in order to effectively set your priorities and meet your goals. Students may need to fine-tune or revisit their time management strategies throughout each stage of medical school. Effective time management, organization, and goal setting will provide you with the tools to develop and meet your personal, professional, and academic goals at Tufts School of Medicine.


  • In order to support our students’ development as self-regulated learners who utilize effective learning and time management strategies, the MD Office of Student Affairs (OSA) offers individual academic counseling to students. Professional staff members are available to meet one-on-one with students to discuss evidence-based learning strategies, as well as time management and test-taking skills. Individual academic counseling is also available to support Step I and Step II preparation.

  • The MD office of Student Affairs (OSA) hires and trains peer educators who offer tutoring services to Tufts School of Medicine preclinical students. Peer educators can help preclinical students develop strategies for grappling with content and refining learning and critical thinking processes.

    Students who are interested in receiving tutoring services should meet with the Academic Support Director to discuss how tutoring may positively impact their learning and academic performance. 

Questions regarding MD Academic Support can be directed to:

Office of Student Affairs

Michael Minutello, Ph.D.
Academic Support Director