Public Health and Community Medicine

Public Health and Community Medicine

A Cancer Clue?

Researchers from Tufts University School of Medicine, led by Dominique Michaud, professor of public health and community medicine, have found a positive association between severe gum disease and an increased risk of cancer.
Margie Skeer

Caring For the Global Village

After an internship at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in New Jersey opened her eyes to heart-wrenching stories of lost childhoods and broken lives, Margie Skeer devoted her life to a career in public health.
Lisa Gualtieri with many used fitness trackers

Extra Miles for Fitness Trackers

A new program founded by Lisa Gualtieri, an assistant professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts, will test if donated, recycled fitness trackers like Jawbone, Withings, Fitbit, and Garmin can help underserved populations get healthier.

Identifying Hepatitis C Hotspots

Tom Stopka, PhD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Public Health & Community Medicine at TUSM, uses an innovative analysis combining geographic information systems, spatial epidemiology, and statistical modeling to identify Hepatitis C hotspots.
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