
Arun Chervu, MD, Sameer Chervu, MD, M20, Nikhil Chervu, MD, and Indira Chervu, MD

Sameer D. Chervu, MD, M20, Memorial Scholarship

Drs. Arun and Indira Chervu established the Sameer D. Chervu, MD, M20, Memorial Scholarship in loving memory of their son, Sameer, and in support of Tufts medical school’s mission to train outstanding physicians.
Christopher Filippi, MD

New Ettinger-Dreyfuss Chair of Radiology

Christopher “Risto” Filippi, MD, has been appointed the Alice Ettinger – Jack R. Dreyfuss Chair of Radiology and chair of the School of Medicine’s Department of Radiology
Group picture of Pinn Alumni

Lifting as We Climb

Tufts alumni celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Vivian W. Pinn Scholarship, and the living legacy of a pioneering physician, scholar and mentor
Dr. H. Jack Geiger

Remembering Dr. H. Jack Geiger

A pioneering physician-activist who served on the faculty of Tufts University School of Medicine and created a national model for public health with his bold vision for community health clinics.
Collage of nine thumbnails representing top news stories of 2020

Top Stories of 2020

In a year dominated by COVID-19, we’re highlighting stories that looked past the pandemic