
Tom Natan, MG23 poses for a portrait

Tom Natan, MPH23

"I entered here thinking that biostatistics was going to be it for me, because I really like data analysis and number crunching. I didn’t expect epidemiology classes to spark my interest as much as they did, but I really enjoyed them."
Francesca Yi, M23, poses for a portrait

Francesca Yi, M23

"I knew when I was applying to med school that Tufts would be my first choice. My time here has proven me right: it’s a place that’s filled with brilliant, kind people, and they’ve inspired me to try to become the best version of a doctor"
Headshot image of Adrian

Alumni Spotlight: Adrian Lopez, PA23

"My favorite aspect of the program was how collaborative all the students were during the didactic year. PA school is already difficult—why make it more difficult by creating a competitive environment?"
Carly Amon, M23, poses for a portrait

Carly Amon, M23/MPH23

"To me, working toward the master’s degree in public health has been a highlight of med school."