
Headshot image of Najla

Faculty Spotlight: Najla Fiaturi

"The best thing about Tufts is the community. The community at Tufts is an amazing blend of academic discussion, socialization, and cultural experience. Moreover, Tufts is constantly re-inventing itself and improving to meet students' needs."
Headshot image of Ariella

Ariella Wagner, MBS23

"After completing my didactic year in MBS, I am proudest that I have been able to balance challenging graduate-level biomedical coursework with active involvement in my community."
Senila Yasmin, M25

Senila Yasmin, M25

A former participant of the Teachers and High School Students Program is now a student instructor in the program
Headshot image of Bryan

Bryan Currie, DPT22

"Tufts' hybrid structure has allowed me to maximize the amount of time I spend with my family despite being a full time student."