
Tom Natan, MG23 poses for a portrait

Tom Natan, MPH23

"I entered here thinking that biostatistics was going to be it for me, because I really like data analysis and number crunching. I didn’t expect epidemiology classes to spark my interest as much as they did, but I really enjoyed them."
Francesca Yi, M23, poses for a portrait

Francesca Yi, M23

"I knew when I was applying to med school that Tufts would be my first choice. My time here has proven me right: it’s a place that’s filled with brilliant, kind people, and they’ve inspired me to try to become the best version of a doctor"
 Rory Cawley, GSBS23, poses for a portrait

Rory Cawley, MBS23

"Receiving a medical school acceptance is one of the proudest accomplishments of my life. It’s taken me almost 10 years to get to this point, and the journey has not been easy. "
Emma Webb, M23, poses for a portrait

Emma Webb, PA23

"My year of clinical rotations was by far my favorite part of the program. Compared to other programs, we had shorter rotations but across a larger number of specialties, which meant we got to see an extremely diverse range of medicine."
Hardik Parikh, MG23 poses for a portrait

Hardik Parikh, DPT22

"A good clinician is sympathetic but a great one is empathetic. One of my clinical instructors was diligent about teaching us the difference."
James Miller, M23, poses for a portrait outside the Med Ed building

James Miller, M23

"One thing I am most proud of is a skill I developed at Tufts: the ability to attempt new things even when I’m not sure that I can do them."