
Headshot image of Ben Stern

Faculty Spotlight: Benjamin Stern

"I suppose at the end of the day I believe that helping someone introduce regular, structured physical activity into their lifestyle...can be an extremely positive and potentially life-changing intervention."
Headshot image of Lauren

Lauren Wong, MPH23

"Attending the Tufts MPH program has been one of my best decisions. Not only do I love the Tufts community and the offered courses, but living in Boston is an incredible experience."
Joshua Khuvis, M23

Student Researcher Spotlight

Joshua Khuvis, M23, is a student researcher interested in tackling hospital-based practices around diagnosis of C. difficile to improve patient care and reduce unnecessary antibiotic use.
Ilene and Lou Perl

Lou and Ilene Perl

Celebrating a 50th Reunion with a scholarship for first-generation Tufts medical students