
Endowed Scholarship Donors

They are a family of Jumbos: Holly Puritz, J79, M83, her husband, Stephen Wohlgemuth, M83, his brother Mark, M78, and their father Paul, M49.
Tufts alum Dawn Gross

What Matters Most

Tufts alum Dawn Gross on why hard conversations about life and death are so important to have right now.
Bree Aldridge and her team

Taking on TB

Bree Aldridge is no traditional microbiologist—she’s a bioengineer by training, with talents for intense computational modeling and mathematics that have already helped her break at least one new paradigm in the TB field.
Colin Russell with Tufts students and clinic staffers in Namibia

New Worldview

School of Medicine students evaluate programs and policies to combat HIV in Namibia
Jason T. Szelog processes with his classmates during the Phase II Commencement ceremony for the Tufts School of Medicine

Caps Off

The 2018 School of Medicine graduates are ready to tackle health-care challenges

When Medicine Meets Fiction

Ismée Williams, M99, a pediatric cardiologist, talks about using literature to reach young patients and educate and spread awareness.
JoAnn Giffuni Wellner, J63

Continuing Education

A generous donor teams up with Tufts to support research and teaching through the Professorship Partnership Challenge.