
Headshot image of Lauren

Our Alumni: Lauren Kaskey

"The skills I learned during my Applied Learning Experience (ALE) have helped me understand how to manage a project from start to finish, effectively communicate with funders, and create and follow a timeline."
Angie Lee goes to Africa News Article

Our Alumni: Angie Lee

"Students can also take advantage of cross-enrolling at Tufts consortium schools...The ability to cross-enroll provided an opportunity to expand my network beyond traditional public health professionals."
daniel markowitz

Our Alumni: Daniel Markowitz

"I found that my job has been starkly different from a lot of my coursework, but I think that this has been one of the most valuable aspects of my work. I get to learn something new every day, adding to the skill-set that I acquired in the MPH program."
Karen Ann Alroy

Our Alumni: Karen Ann Alroy

"By improving our knowledge of tissue recognition, deciphering self from non-self, this research had the potential to enhance our understanding of organ transplantation in people."
Headshot image of Char

Our Alumni: Char Kasprzak

"The Tufts MPH Program was where I could learn to understand the health care system from a social justice perspective."

Identifying Hepatitis C Hotspots

Tom Stopka, PhD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Public Health & Community Medicine at TUSM, uses an innovative analysis combining geographic information systems, spatial epidemiology, and statistical modeling to identify Hepatitis C hotspots.
Lisa Gualtieri with many used fitness trackers

Extra Miles for Fitness Trackers

A new program founded by Lisa Gualtieri, an assistant professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts, will test if donated, recycled fitness trackers like Jawbone, Withings, Fitbit, and Garmin can help underserved populations get healthier.
Tom Stopka

Addiction in the Curriculum for New MDs

Tufts University School of Medicine joins forces with the state’s three other medical schools—the University of Massachusetts, Boston University, and Harvard—to help future doctors confront the growing opioid crisis.